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  • Writer's pictureChase Meyers

Building Design + Construction

In the August 2018 issue of Building Design + Construction: Construction Technology is Catnip for Investors article by John Caulfield, Senior Editor and David Malone, Associate Editor; numerous talking points are delineated showcasing how the utilization of a technology platform pushes the construction industry into a new era.

Within the the articles numerous innovations and research findings in the ever changing realm of the construction industry is an article that discusses the role of design/build in today's and tomorrows architecture and construction industry and moreover economy.

“Design-build is the fastest growing and most popular method to deliver nonresidential, highway/street, and water/wastewater construction projects in America".

Nearly half of nonresidential construction projects delivered by design-build

New research by FMI shows that nearly half of nonresidential construction projects are being delivered by the design-build method. Design-build is the fastest growing and most popular method to deliver nonresidential, highway/street, and water/wastewater construction projects in America, according to the report. Among the findings:

Design-build is anticipated to account for 44% of construction spending in the assessed segments (nonresidential, highway/street, and water/wastewater), delivering 1.2 trillion in construction by 2021.

Design-build spending is anticipated to grow 18% overall, with the highway/street, and water/wastewater sectors seeing 30% growth by 2021.

Design-build spending in manufacturing (16%) and education (15%) represent the greatest percentage of design build constriction spending by segment.

Works Cited

Caulfield, John, and David Malone, editors. “Construction Technology Is Catnip for Investors.” Building Design Construction, 1 Aug. 2018, pp. 10–14.

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